Welcome to 2017!


The new year is here! Welcome to 2017! It seems like it has been forever since I wrote one of these... So it is time to get to work again. Thank you for your patience but:


I am not one who likes to make resolutions coming into a new year, but I think that it is a good idea to look back over the past year to do some self reflection. We should always be looking at ways that we can be a better parent, spouse, employee or friend. We need to ask ourselves for ways that we can be a better person, in all facets of life. Can you honestly say that you do this? It really is worth your time and energy! 

After doing my self reflection during the holidays, it is time to figure out which battles I will be fighting this year. Full disclosure, I learn a lot from my conversations with all of you, and some of my goals for this year came from you! So thank you for sharing your goals with me!

Goal #1
Go to bed early 
Truthfully, we should all be doing this!

Goal #2
Read More
Typically, I am a non-fiction reader, and I can use those books to help me to be a better person. I might be able to get more time to read, if I can accomplish goal #1...

Goal #3
Less 2 Screen Time
Who else has a tendency to sit on the couch watching TV while holding their phone to play games, snoop around on Facebook, or just surf the web? I can't be the only one... I have decided that I no need to practice focusing on one thing at a time. So that I can actually enjoy the one thing that I am focused on!

So those are my three goals (I hate the term resolution) for 2017. Have you thought about yours? We'd love to help you to achieve your goals. Let us know what we can do!


Movement is my Medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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