How often do you sit down and take a moment to think about what you are grateful for? At the end of each of our Freedom Strength kettlebell classes (You can try a class for free if you want, just let us know), we all share one thing we are grateful for. On Monday morning, one of our long-time members shared that she was grateful for the Yoga Teacher Training class that she is taking through Branches of Yoga. As soon as she said that a little lightbulb went off in my mind.
She went on to say that she loves how much she is taking away from every session. The knowledge she is gaining about teaching yoga is helping her to understand more about her own yoga practice. Sounds to me like the education is teaching her just as much about herself as it is about how to teach a yoga class.
Explaining what she has taken away from this course made me realize just how grateful I am for the many opportunities and avenues we have to learn from others.
It made me reflect on the skills that my daughters have learned along the way, and continue to learn everyday. They have learned how to crochet, how to make bracelets, how to create amazing decorations for VBS, how to draw, not to mention all the soccer and lacrosse skills that they have picked up along the way... The list is endless.
In the past these skills would have all had to come from being taught either in-person, or by finding and reading a book. Those were the primary learning options when I was young. Today they can find an article on the internet to teach them or access a video on YouTube to learn just about any skill that they are interested in. The best part though is that they can do all of this in seconds and without leaving the house!
That is what I am grateful for today. I am grateful for the advantages our children have in terms of options to learn.
As I gave it a little more thought, I realized that we have those same advantages! So I jumped on YouTube to learn from the pros why I keep slicing the golf ball into the woods!
If you think back about 20 years and remember the challenges that we faced, then it is easy to be grateful for the advantages that technology has provided for this generation.