Are you ready for a little change? 

This week's newsletter will focus on change and one specific quote that I came across this week. This quote has been bouncing around in my head ever since. After reading the quote it became apparent that it is time to make a little change to our newsletter. It is time for it to evolve a bit.

Here is the quote that I read:

"Every good thing in fact that has happened in your life has come from change."

Many of us are apprehensive about change. We get used to the way things are, and want to maintain the status quo. We do that because it is safe, but that doesn't mean that is what is best for us. It is just what is easiest for us! In previous newsletters, we have discussed the idea that we must step outside our comfort zone for growth to occur.

Change is a good thing! Improvement can only happen if change occurs. So we are planning some changes to the format of our newsletters! (If you would like to have some input into the next iteration of these newsletters please take a moment to complete this brief anonymous survey - LINK)

As we near the beginning of a new year, it is time for you to start thinking about the changes you would like to make in 2025. Do you want to exercise more? Read more? Get more sleep? Snack less? Make time for meditation? What changes to your life are you looking to make? Now is the time to set aside some time to plan for your success in the new year! If we can help you reach that goal, please let us know!    


 Movement is my medicine,

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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