How Grateful Are You?

Last Friday night, I had to take my daughter to lacrosse practice. As we were racing around the house, so that we could make it on time, looking for her cleats (each in a different room... don't ask me how that happened) and her lacrosse bag, and filling her empty water bottle. In the middle of this chaos, Carol asked me if I could return her library book for her while we were down there.

The practice would be right by the library, so I would simply drop her off and then run over to the Glenwood Library to return the book. Knowing that I had about an hour until practice would be wrapping up, I decided to look around for something new to read. Those who know me, know that I prefer to read non-fiction. It may sound a little nerdy, but I really do love to learn.

While looking through the non-fiction section of their new releases, I came across a new book from Gary Vaynerchuk. To many, he is simply known as Gary Vee. He is an entrepreneur who established himself in the social media age and has built a large marketing company on the back of that success. His messages, while often laced with profanity, often resonate with me. His newest book, entitled Twelve and a Half, was sitting on the shelf, seemingly calling my name...

The premise of this book is about understanding how our emotions impact our interactions in business and in life. The title refers to the 12.5 emotional ingredients that he thinks we all need to be aware of.

The first emotional ingredient that he discusses in the book is Gratitude. The practice of being grateful plays a big role in my life and it has been the subject of many of these newsletters. In this chapter of his book, he discusses an exercise that I would like to share with you.

Gary Vee begins the chapter by asking "If there were a list that ranked everyone on Earth in terms of overall success and happiness (from 1 to 7.7 billion) where do you think that you'd rank?" Before you answer too quickly, I want you to give it some thought... 

Then Gary Vee throws out some statistics to consider... 785 million people don't have basic drinking water services... More than 820 million people were undernourished in 2018... About 4.5 billion people do not have a toilet that manages human waste properly... Do you have high speed internet at your house? 3 billion people don't even have access to the internet... 

Did your number change? I know that mine did after I read this question and these stats!  

Focus on being grateful for everything that we have, and everything becomes clearer. 

Movement is my medicine,


Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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