Last week I shared some of the take-home messages from the speakers that we saw during our trip to Las Vegas. Over the next couple of weeks, these newsletters will be looking deeper into those simple, yet very profound, statements.
This week we will be dicussing this gem from David Goggins -
"The most important conversation you'll ever have is the one that you have with yourself."
Just in case you are not familiar with David Goggins allow me to give you a little peek into the man who gave us this quote. Goggins was raised in an abusive home. After struggling through several low-paying jobs, he joined the United States Navy intending to become a Navy SEAL. When he walked into the recruiting office he weighed 296 lbs, the recruiting officer laughed at him when he told him about his goal. He shed over 100 lbs in the next 3 months, and they let him join the US Navy. He then went through BUDS, including going through Hell Week three times, to become a Navy SEAL. After becoming a SEAL, Goggins looked for another challenge. This time, despite already being a SEAL, he set his sights on becoming an Army Ranger. Not many people have been able to accomplish both of these goals. Goggins did. Since leaving the military he has continued to pursue more and more difficult challenges, that some would call impossible. He set the world record for pull-ups in a 24-hour period. Can you guess how many he did? 4030 pull-ups in 24 hours... He has completed the Badwater 135, which is a 135 mile run through Death Valley. He has done the Moab 240, a 241 mile race. As you can guess this man has pushed his body to the limits.
Let's discuss his quote as it pertains to high-level athletic accomplishments. Not many of us are going to accomplish the physical feats that Goggins has conquered. Not many of us would even try, but we would not consider those feats to be humanly possible. Goggins has shown us that it is. What makes him different than the average human?
His Mindset!
In his mind, there is nothing that he cannot accomplish.
Enough about David Goggins and doing nearly impossible things... Let's talk about that quote as it relates to all of us, in our everyday lives. This quote speaks to our ability to form our own reality. Our thoughts and perceptions impact how we view ourselves and everything around us. Unfortunately, while our thoughts have the power to paint everything in a positive light, they can also paint them in a negative light. We all have the power to see the glass as half empty or half full, it is all determined by the thoughts in our minds. If we tell ourselves that we will succeed at accomplishing a goal, then the odds of our success increase. Alternatively, if we tell ourselves that we are not good enough to do something, then we are much more likely to fail.
Your inner monologue has a huge impact on the outcomes in your life. If your thoughts are positive, then your outcomes will follow suit! So choose the words that you say about yourself, and those you care about, carefully because they matter.
Movement is my medicine,