Chiropractic, Physical Therapy and Plants?!

If you’ve visited us recently, you may have noticed we have been growing our plant collection in the office. (Pun intended.) We seem to have the perfect amount of light and space.  I have always loved being surrounded by nature.  It provides a sense of wonder, peace and clarity.  Something about stepping outside, taking that deep breath with your eyes closed, feeling the breeze grace your face, slightly moving through your hair (guess you just figured out this is not Chip’s story:) while hearing the foliage dance ever so slightly.  Immersing yourself within nature and taking note of the various insects, animals and birds that plants are often surrounded by is so refreshing and rejuvenating.

That’s why I enjoy houseplants.  Not for the bugs, but having living greens around me evokes the serenity of nature, and encourages me to slow down and observe my surroundings.  My plants are my babies.  I clean them, water them, feed them, and move them around.  Heck, I even talk to them!  If you are really paying attention, they even talk back.  Not with words but with actions.  They teach us to tune in, observe small changes, to see the big picture.  When they are thirsty their leaves may droop or the tips may brown.  When they are choking and drowning they may turn yellow. Are they bending over?  Perhaps they are desperately reaching for the sun.  Is the plant just looking sad and stagnant?  Maybe it needs more room for its roots to spread out.  Healthy plants provide a feeling of accomplishment and peace, and they are constantly teaching me something.  It’s like one giant science experiment!  

A few months ago, our daughter kicked a soccer ball hard into my tall Dracena plant at the back of the office.  The ball struck it like a guillotine severing the stem.  She looked at me with wide eyes and an immediate apology.  It’s okay, I told her.  Plants are resilient.  We took the severed end and placed it right into a bowl with some water.  Today, it is full of roots waiting for a new pot to thrive in.  

If we can slow down and really listen, the way we do with our plants, our bodies are also telling us what they need.  We too can thrive in the right environment. So be resilient, be patient, be grateful.  Do what you enjoy!  For me, it has always been puzzles, yard work, fixing & caring for things (living or not.)  So combining Chiropractic & Plants just makes sense!  

I hope you can join me for the potting workshop where we can dive deeper into listening to our bodies, while potting some plant babies to add to your home! Feel free to bring a friend, and no, you don’t have to know a thing about plants!  Just be open to learning a thing or two!


Movement is my medicine,
Dr. Carol
Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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