Do You Know What You Are Eating? Do You Know Why?
Nutrition is one of those things that is very individual. No two people need the same nutrition to get through the day. Are you looking to lose weight? Or looking to add muscle? Or are you simply looking to fuel the training runs leading up to a half- marathon that you are running in a couple of weeks? All three of these situations would lead to a different nutritional plan. Remember that what you eat should always steer you toward meeting your goals. So, let me a clear here. Before you begin to make an attempt to modify your nutrition plan, you MUST know what you are trying to accomplish!
This week, I had conversations with 3 different patients who are all working on accomplishing different goals (it just so happens that they are the three that I mentioned earlier). My recommendations for all three were vastly different. People tend to grasp on to the Low Carb diet and hold it up as if it is the perfect diet. Let me tell you, anyone who is doing distance running will certainly need to have carbs in their diet! BUT if you are tying to improve your body composition (i.e lose weight or gain muscle) limiting carbs can be a great strategy.
So before you decide to change your diet, please first determine what you are trying to accomplish with the change, then make the changes that will help you meet those goals!