How Many Swings Can You Do?
THIS JUST IN - I finally took my own advice.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a newsletter that was focused on how much I LOVE the kettlebell swing. A friend of mine read the article and sent me a quick note to tell me that he loves the swing too. After that conversation, I decided that it was time to make some changes to my regular daily workout. The kettlebell swing was about to become the focal point of my exercise routine. Time to put my money where my mouth is! So I decided to set the bar at 300 swings per day. This will not replace my current CrossFit workouts during the week, but would be in addition to them. I began this process on Monday August 7, 2017, and I plan to do at least 30 days (but probably more, much more).

After 11 consecutive days of swings, I can definitively say that I feel great! Each day has been slightly different from the day before, but each day's exercise has been challenging in their own way. With each passing day the session does seem to be getting easier. All it takes is 10-15 minutes per day and it could just change your life!

Can't you find 15 minutes in your day
to improve your health?  

300 Kettlebell Swings Every Day? Are You Crazy???
Watch the Video
Movement is my Medicine,
Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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