Vegetables are a superfood! I think that we all know this, BUT did you know that the way that you prepare them can steal some of the nutrition from you! So despite your best efforts to eat a healthy diet, your culinary habits may be working against you.
Earlier this morning, I had a great conversation with a patient regarding the changes that they made in their diet to lose 50 pounds over the past 9 months. (She also modified her exercise routine, but that is not what we were discussing this morning) She told me that one of the largest changes that she made was to include more vegetables in her diet. The best part about the inclusion of these vegetables in her diet is that she “tries” to eat the majority of her vegetables in raw form! Did you know that this is the best way to eat vegetables? Well it is (almost all the time)!
So, now let’s talk about the mistakes that we tend to make while preparing the vegetables to feed our friends and family. Remember that raw is still the best, and most nutritious way to serve (most) vegetables.
- If You Are Going To Cook Them, Don’t Cook ‘Em Too Long – If you cook them for too long, you are cooking the nutrition right out of them!
Solution - Steam them for 5 min, then finish them off in a saucepan!
- Don’t Cover Them In Oil – It’s definitely a no-no to cover them in oil and then cook them over high heat. The combination of oil and high heat can lead to a break down of antioxidants in the veggies.
Solution – Cook on medium-high heat, but pass on the Olive Oil.
- Don’t Get Rid Of The Good Stuff – The skin is where the good stuff is!
These are just a couple of suggestions but if you want some more tips, from the writers of Eat This, Not That – Click Here