We have been talking about a lot of deep topics over the past several weeks. So this week I wanted to simply share some information.

Recently, we have been seeing a lot of patients coming in with shoulder injuries. I have no idea what has caused the recent increase. Obviously, many people think of us first when it comes to their neck and back pain, but did you know that we also treat other injuries?

Shoulder pain can be very tricky. Many of these have been done some treatment for their shoulder elsewhere before coming to our office. When other treatments have not been successful, we know that we need to look outside the box. One of the biggest issues in treating shoulder pain is that more often than not the source of the pain is not the site of the pain. Think about that for a second. The source of pain is typically not where you feel the pain, yet most treatment tends to focus on that spot.

Treatment for shoulder pain needs to look beyond the pain and focus on stabilizing the core and shoulder. What is the best way to increase stability in those areas? Exercise! BUT... it must be the correct exercise!

That is why we teach every patient how to properly contract their core!

Contracting your core is the foundation for
EVERY movement!

If you know anyone who needs our help, we would be happy to help them! 


Movement is my medicine,


Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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