Have You Ever Spent A Weekend With Someone Else?
Let me tell you about a little trip I took recently! I was heading down to Alexandria to spend the weekend with Craig Liebenson. You all know who he is right? I mean he is almost as famous as Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift! (Are they still famous? I am so out of touch!) Since many of you don’t know who Craig Liebenson is, let me give you some background. Dr. Liebenson is the man who you can blame for many of the exercises that you have learned in the office. He is the leader of the rehabilitation movement in the chiropractic world. His book was my first look at the power of combining manipulation with rehabilitation exercises. So in the chiropractic world, it was kind of like having an audience with the Pope!
The time spent in Alexandria was so valuable. It gave me the opportunity to pick his brain, and fine tune some of the exercises that we are already doing, and more importantly, I added some new toys to play with! The crazy part though, is that Dr. Liebenson taught so much material, but I think that I also learned just as much from the interactions with other Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers, and Strength Coaches who also attended the course.
So when you make your next appointment, keep your eyes open to the changes coming your way! Some changes may be subtle but others will be much more apparent! Can’t wait to see you all soon!
Alright, enough about my weekend! Is there a moral to this story? The moral is simple. We need to be in a constant pursuit of knowledge! Never rest on your laurels and think that you know enough, because there is always more information to pursue!
Once you stop learning, you stop living!
Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend!
Movement is my Medicine,