Earlier this week, I had a conversation with a friend of mine. He and I have known each other for a long time and have had a lot of lengthy conversations over the years. Everyone has that one friend. You know who it is in your life.
The one friend who will drop everything they are doing and make time to talk to you. Sometimes those talks revolve around solving all of the world's problems. Sometimes they involve nothing but laughter, inside jokes, and an occasional well-intentioned insult.
Regardless of the weight of the topic (or who is on the receiving end of the insults) I always leave the conversation feeling better about my place in the world. The conversation that I want to talk about this time was a little on the heavier side. It opened my eyes a little. I had to step back and reassess my priorities when we finished.
My friend told me about a recent drive that he took with his family. It was a long drive. During that drive, his family (his children are all 10 or younger) had a lengthy and serious discussion. For the majority of their four-hour drive, they talked about the things that they wanted to take away from this experience, and the things that they wanted to leave behind.
Sit back, close your eyes for a second, and imagine that you are sitting in your car right now with your family. Regardless of their ages, how would they respond to that question? How would you respond to that question if someone asked you? Give it some thought though before you answer...
We are in the middle of an event that will forever change all of our lives. Before the coronavirus hit, what was the most important thing in your life? What is the most important thing NOW?
How have your priorities shifted?
How can you change your actions to reflect that shift?
Movement is my medicine,