Time to get away

Some of you may already know this or found this out this week, but Dr. Carol and I were able to take the girls and get out of town this week for a couple of days. We had an opportunity to travel with, and spend priceless, quality time with our family. These opportunities to get the whole family together do not come along often, but when they do we have to stop what we are doing and enjoy that time. 

This week's newsletter will be short and sweet, because I am still packing... but I just wanted to touch on the importance of taking a break. We, as Americans, tend to be workaholics. Vacation is seen as a luxury that not many of us take the time to enjoy, but we truly need to. There has been extensive research on the benefits of taking a break. 

Vacations obviously can decrease stress levels, but breaking the routine of our day to day lives has also been shown to improve heart health, improve cognitive function and productivity, improves mental health, and improves sleep habits (which you know I love to talk about). 

So, while we are out of the office, take some time to improve your health and plan your next vacation!   

Movement is my medicine,


Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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