For once in my life, I am totally at a loss for words. What can I say at this point? What can anyone say at this point? This has been the craziest week that I have ever lived through.

While this week has been unprecedented, and many people are focusing on the insanity of it all, I am going to ask you to take a different approach. We, as a nation, need a mindset shift. Stop focusing on everything that is going on around you. Let's all stop blaming our leaders, or the scientists, or the doctors, or anyone else that we think deserves blame. I am asking you to remember that you cannot control what happens around you, BUT you can control how you respond to it.

None of us know exactly what will come from this COVID-19 situation, but we need to stick together and support one another!

Let us know how we can support you!

Movement is my medicine,


Dr. William "Chip" Bleam

Dr. William "Chip" Bleam


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