We may be in big trouble...
As human beings, we are losing our connection with one another. Social media, which many of us feel is bringing us together, is probably doing more harm than good for the most significant relationships in our lives. While we may have 1000 "friends" on Facebook or Instagram, how many of them would you actually call your friend in real life? When you are in trouble would you jump on Facebook and ask your "friends" for help? Or would you call someone you know in real life? I know who I would call...
Earlier this week Dr. Carol and I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix and it was completely eye-opening. I was genuinely afraid while watching it. We are all, unbeknownst to us, being manipulated with virtually every interaction we have with our phones and computers. Facebook chooses what shows up in our stream. What they choose is not based on sharing the information that we need or even want to see. Facebook chooses to share the information that they think will keep us on their page or app for the longest amount of time. Why are they doing that? The longer that we are consuming their content, the more ads they can show us, and the more money they make. Now, I don't want to throw Facebook under the bus by themselves, most websites are guilty of this! Even the outcomes of our Google searches are impacted by our previous searches...
The majority of Americans are falling into this trap every day, and they have no idea. Most of us have no idea how damaging that can be. How often do you notice that you are scrolling mindlessly through something on your phone? Wouldn't you rather have a conversation with another human being in the real world? I know that I would...
Put your phone down, and have a conversation with the people who matter most to you!
If you have Netflix, just give this link a click and watch it!

Movement is my medicine,